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reebok workout plus

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Auteur Message
Olga Pope
Etudiant à l'académie

Inscrit le: 26 Sep 2018
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: 26 Sep 2018, 04:23    Sujet du message: reebok workout plus Répondre en citant

ÿþCheck out these two dope colorways reebok workout plus of the Reebok Question Prototype. Before you get too attached to them, we got to let you know that they were made especially for Allen Iverson s high school.Allen Iversion was an AP player of the Year at Virginia s Bethel High School. This year Reebok decided to hook up the school s basketball team with PE versions of the Reebok Question. What you see above are two other unreleased pairs that were also made for Bethel High. Known as the Home and Away colorways, both pairs are done in the Bruins school colors. For those that don t know.

the Reebok Question Prototype is simply an alternate version that was made before the Reebok Question was finalized and released. Notable features on this model include the perforated panels, new positioning of the branding, a scrapped tongue design and heel pull-tab. Giving it more of a PE feel, is the Bethel B on the kendrick lamar reebok heel. Thoughts on the shoe? Let us know in the comments below.Reebok continues to shine light on some of their overlooked retro silhouettes as we ll now be seeing the return of the Reebok Workout Plus R12 for the holiday season.

Seen above is the Crossover x Reebok Club C which features a reebok classic trainers full white leather upper with perforations on the side panels. Other details include upper gold eyelets, tennis net graphics on the co-branded insoles, a leather heel pull tab, and Crossover s slogan of  BE REASONABLE, DEMAND THE IMPOSSIBLE  written on the inside of the tongue.Look for the Corssover x Reebok Club C to release online on December 23rd followed by an in-store drop on December 24th at Crossover locations.The Reebok Insta Pump Fury released in two tonal colorways this past weekend in collaboration with Concepts.

·The BAPE x mita sneakers x Reebok Question Mid 1st Camo doesn t release until next week, reebok nano but the man himself had it on full display last night.Allen Iverson received his official Hall of Fame jacket last night in Philadelphia as it was given to him by fellow Hall Of Famer and 76ers legend Julius Erving. Iverson accepted the jacket at center court during halftime and said a few words to his loyal fan-base where he battled countless opponents night it and night out. The Answer was also wearing the Bape x mita sneakers x Reebok Question Mid 1st Camo which will be hitting retailers on December 23rd.

A Vetements x Reebok Pump Supreme in a Light Grey colorway a couple weeks ago. Only problem with the release is that it was fairly limited since it was a DSM exclusive. If you weren t able to get your hands on that pair, maybe you ll have better look with this upcoming all-Black pair of the latest Vetements x Reebok Pump Supreme collab.Just like the previous colla drops between these two, the upper keeps it simple and tonal as the usual features appear on the shoes. This includes the signature  The Pump technology and the unique  LEFT and  RIGHT text branding done in Red .

Very simple in design, this model is meant to be reebok furylite a versatile sneaker that Reebok wants you to wear on the daily. Out now, re giving you an official look at the upcoming Concepts x Reebok Insta Pump Fury CC coming in a Platinum colorway. Completing the two-pack collaboration, this pair has the model done in a premium leather upper accompanied by the dual branding hits placed throughout the shoe. The purpose of this collab is to create a look that matches that of luxury clothing and they manage to do that effortlessly. Look for this pair along with the Black [img] furylite-172eku.jpg[/img] pair to release at both Concepts locations on December 17th.
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